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Learning Unit 1

Earth and Space Science-2nd Grade

This week we will be investigating clouds!


You will be participating in a week long investigation about the different types of clouds, how they form, and their role in the water cycle.  


Brainstorming: First, I would like to find out what you already KNOW about clouds and what you WANT to learn. Please click on the Padlet to respond to the two questions:



(I have done an example for you.)


After we gather what everyone already knows about clouds and what we want to know we will do a small group research project to learn about the four main types of clouds.


Activity 1- Research: In a small group you will become an expert on a specific cloud type!  You will use various resources to discover the answer to the following questions:

  • What is the form (color/shape) of your cloud?

  • What weather does your cloud cause? 


You and your group will create a mini-presentation using "Piktochart" to share with the class.  Use the following link to create your presentation:



(I have done an example for you.)


Activity 2- Create: Next, we will think about how clouds are a part of the water cycle.  After reading a Time for Kids magazine about the water cycle you will build a 3D visual that shows each stage of the water cycle.  Be sure to include all stages of the water cycle and label each step.

Below is an example of a 3D sun over a body of water using Tinkercad:



Activity 3-Experiment: We will conduct an experiment called "Cloud in a Jar". You will create a Glogster poster to display your prediction, materials used in the experiment, steps we followed, and results of the experiment.  Before the experiment, you will write your prediction to the experiment.  After completing the experiment, use pictures and words to describe the results.  




Publish: The final part of our cloud investigation will for you to write an informational paragraph about clouds in a word document.  You should include what you've learned from the previous learning experiences such as the types of clouds, what clouds are made of, and the role of clouds in the water cycle.  Make sure to include a topic sentence, three details, and a conclusion sentence.  You will publish your paragraph as a word document on our classroom Wix website .  Your paragraph will be graded using the rubric below.  







Cloud Paragraph Rubric                  Activity Rubric


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